Treatment Services
Treatment Services focuses on providing therapeutic support to children, teens, and their families. Programs range from counseling services to the community, therapeutic day treatment schooling programs, and in-home supportive services.
Our Programs
Intensive In-home Behavioral Health provides community counseling to support families for up to 4 hours per week. This includes therapy, skills training, and medication management.
Kelly Avenue School offers therapeutic schooling that meets youth where they are, at many levels: cognitive, emotional, and social. We use methods to educate youth the way they learn best. Our school is partnered with North Wasco School District and our youth are referred from the high school. The school day helps students catch up on credits and offers classes in the morning. In the afternoon, there are electives and therapeutic skills. Our small classroom is very flexible to enhance the educational, emotional, and social needs of our students. We offer students and families mental health and counseling services, psychological and behavioral skill development, addiction treatment, and sex offender treatment.
Klahre House is our alternative school. We offer therapeutic schooling that meets youth where they are, at many levels: cognitive, emotional, and social. We use many methods for students to learn literature, writing, math, social studies, science, health, art and computer technology. Teachers use lecture, discussion, media, groups, individual projects, guest speakers, and artists to achieve a range of educational goals. The Klahre House Alternative School has a program to help catch up on credits, a GED program, and a unique blend of therapeutic accommodations in our special education program. The program includes mental health and counseling services: individual, group and family therapy; psychological and behavioral skill development; medication management; addiction treatment; sex offender treatment; and psychiatric services and consultation.
Our mental health services are for the needs of young people ages 3 to 26. We work to empower our clients to see their strengths and overcome their challenges. To achieve this, we use Behavior Skills Training, Play Therapy, and more. We can also offer family therapy and medication management as needed. Our focus areas include depression, suicide and self-harm, anxiety and stress, trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), behavior challenges, attachment difficulties, family relational challenges, alcohol and drug use, and grief. To make an appointment call 541-436-0338 or email Our counseling coordinator will get back to you. No one will be denied access to services due to inability to pay. There is a discounted/sliding fee schedule available based on family size and income. Additionally, we currently accept OHP insurance.
In-Home Safety and Reunification Services - Helps families in crisis become stable and keep children out of foster care.
Nurturing Visitations - Offers counseling during visitations for families in the child welfare systems. The goal is to help families reunite as quickly as possible.
There has been a growing number of foster children and a shortage of therapeutic foster homes. The Next Door saw this urgent need and we responded. The purchase of this new home allows us to care for youth in need by providing a safe and nurturing home, staffed by caring professionals.
Therapeutic Foster Care, also called Treatment Foster Care, is a higher level of foster care serving children and teens ages 6-18 who have emotional, behavioral, and/or medical needs. Most of our youth have been abused or neglected and function developmentally younger than their biological age. Through trauma-informed care, these youth can heal, grow and develop with the support from a caring foster parent. To learn more, email
The Therapeutic Learning Classroom at Chenowith Elementary is a therapeutic educational classroom for youth in grades K-5 attending school in North Wasco County. Referrals are made through the district Director of Prevention and Intervention and then passed to our Counseling Services Administrative staff to assure suitability. This day treatment classroom provides daily therapeutic support and intervention, skills training, individual and family therapy as well as an educational model supportive of trauma informed care and emotional regulation.
Program Resources
Mental Health & Alcohol and
Drug Counseling
Counseling Services Referral Form
Therapeutic Foster Care (TFC)
Becoming a Certified Foster Parent
TFC Frequently Asked Questions
Foster Care Application
Intensive In-Home Behavioral Health Treatment (IIBHT)
IIBHT Frequently Asked Questions
IIBHT Referral Form
Therapeutic Schooling
Education Referral Form
Contact Treatment Services

Interested in becoming a certified foster parent?
Restraint &
Seclusion Reports
Restraint and Seclusion Report - Foster Care
Restraint and Seclusion Report - Klahre HouseQ2:
Restraint and Seclusion Report - Foster Care
Restraint and Seclusion Report - Klahre HouseQ3:
Restraint and Seclusion Report - Foster Care
Restraint and Seclusion Report - Klahre HouseQ4:
Restraint and Seclusion Report - Foster Care
Restraint and Seclusion Report - Klahre House -
Restraint and Seclusion Report - Foster Care
Restraint and Seclusion Report - Day TreatmentQ2:
Restraint and Seclusion Report - Kelly Avenue
Restraint and Seclusion Report - Klahre House
Restraint and Seclusion Review - Klahre House
Restraint and Seclusion Report - Klahre House
Restraint and Seclusion Review - Kelly Avenue
Restraint and Seclusion Report - Kelly Avenue
Restraint and Seclusion Review - Proctor Enhanced
Our mental health services are for the needs of young people ages 3 to 26. We work to empower our clients to see their strengths and overcome their challenges. To achieve this, we use Behavior Skills Training, Play Therapy, and more.